We Can’t Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone!
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9: 7
Where Would you Like to Make a Difference, Today?
Training and equipping of native evangelists and church planters in their context. Cost: $1200 per person per year.
Planting house churches where there is no church. Cost to help a church with their basic needs such as mats, musical instruments, etc. Cost: $1000
Educating the impoverished through a primary school and adult literacy programs and scholarships. Cost: $25 per child per month.
Financially supporting evangelists, church planters, and social workers. Cost: $100 per person per month.
Sustained discipleship of new and old believers. Cost to provide Bibles and other discipleship material in their native language: $20 to $100.
Providing ministry tools such as motorcycles, and musical instruments, church planters, and pastors. Cost: $800 to 1200.
Organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences for evangelists, pastors, and church planters. Cost: from $5000 depending on various factors.
Constructing worship centers and sheds for the newly planted churches with more than 25 people. Cost: From $5000 depending on various factors.
- From the above list of major needs, please select where you’d like to make a difference. Then click on the safe, green Donate link above to give online through our partner Step International.
- Once at the Step International website, click either USA or Canada.
- Click on the drop down button of the “gift category” and select KARUNA.
- Enter the amount.
- Enter your remark, if necessary, to specify where you’d like your contribution to be applied.
- Select the option of Recurring gift or One time Gift.
- Enter your details.
- Click the Donate button.
- You should receive an email confirmation from the Step International. If you do not, please email: and we will try to resolve the issue ASAP.